Good News Jamaica: A News Concept, A New Win
Let me introduce you to a new concept out of Jamaica. The idea I’m introducing you to is Good News Jamaica Communications Limited (GNJ). This concept highlights the great things about Jamaica and Jamaicans, all the time and from around the globe. It was started in 2013 as a Facebook initiative and has grown into a company that is seen by millions of eyes each month.
Good News Jamaica’s sole purpose is to represent all things positive about Jamaica, the island, and the Jamaican people, wherever they are. They represent the balance when it comes to media reporting about Jamaican things. You can interact with Good News Jamaica by visiting their website; or by following them on social media, looking for their name.
The Beginnings
Charles Hyatt II founded Good News Jamaica to fulfill a lifelong passion of seeing Jamaica as more than a beach, some rum, reggae music, and ‘fine’ women. To Charles, Jamaica is so much more, and he wanted the world to see Jamaica the way he did. At first, he had no idea how he would take on this enormous task but felt compelled to take it on all the same. Thanks to a colleague, Colleen Douglas, he got the final proof to get the project started in 2013. Colleen told a story of an experience that happened to her based on a random act of kindness one morning when she was in need. Charles thought, ‘these types of things happen every day and at all levels of our society. Someone has to tell these stories, or they will be lost in ‘suh it guh’ land.’ Based on that epiphany, he started, a page dedicated to telling triumphant stories about brand Jamaica. Today, that page is visited over one million times a month and has an average engagement rate of over two hundred thousand.
GNJ and Our Story
For generations, Jamaicans have relied on ‘our story’ from folk tales, the community news reader, the media, and foreign interests. Unfortunately, that story has become more negative over the years, leaving a sense of desperation and despair among our citizens.
Overwhelmingly, when we hear popular stories about us now, they are about ‘badness’ and behavior that does not represent the masses. GNJ is here to reignite the proud feeling of who we are by supporting, creating, disseminating, and promoting our empowering ‘real story’.
The company tells stories of empowerment, achievement, advancement, impact, etc., from the individual, corporate, NGO, and governmental levels. This focus enables a sense of pride in Jamaicans and fosters people’s interest (worldwide) is looking for a viable, trustworthy investment option.
What A Friend We Have
All you have read above explains why EHAS decided to partner with GNJ on the ground in Jamaica. Seeing EHAS’ purpose and watching our actions, GNJ agreed to get involved in our projects. They love our impact on our youth, and we are working together to tell triumphant stories about Jamaican children. Some of these youth are ‘forgotten’ but not by EHAS and not by GNJ. Through our collaboration, young people now have a dedicated team poised to enhance their lives through continuous, positively impacting experiences. The goal is simple, show the children we care by showing up often and always showing love.
GNJ will handle our marketing aspect through storytelling and social media management efforts. You can look forward to receiving information in many forms throughout our partnership. Wherever you receive information about Jamaica’s youth, EHAS wants to be there. Wherever you get your stories about Jamaica, GNJ intends to be there to balance your options.
Never Give Up
This partnership exists based on the experiences of two men who should have never gotten the chance to help tell these stories. Rejected by society, and negatively classed by peers, Cornell Bunting and Charles Hyatt II have decided they will do everything to ensure that our youth don’t have to experience what these two men have. They use their life lessons as building blocks and a solid foundation for the next generation to securely stand on. They have built a small determined team of strong supporters between the two. Small in numbers, big in impact! As we say in Jamaica, “wi likkle, but we talawah!!!”